A world of many possibilities
I had my first encounter with astrology when I was 19 years old, while I was on my path to become a molecular biologist and physiologist. My mind wrapped around a rather mechanistic view of the world, one that had no place for 'fuzzy sciences' such as astrology…
Needless to say, astrology did not fit my worldview at that time.
However, I met a psychotherapist who offered to do my "natal chart." His reading of my chart was a gift that I still relish today. His interpretation opened my mind to a world of wisdom and understanding that transformed the way I perceived myself and life in general.
During his reading, I learned of some very unusual skills I was born with.These skillls had caused intense discomfort and doubt about my place in the world since I was very young. Learning about these intuitive skills helped me accept and embrace who I was, and transformed the way I experienced life. I became so curious about astrology that I embarked in a journey to learn how to use astrology to help others.
One of the insights I received from my initial readings was that I was a "born psychologist." I had always felt an intense attraction towards psychology, consciousness and spiritualty, but had never considered these fields possible areas for my work until the reading.
Since 1987, I have used my training in astrology, psychology, consciousness and spiritualty to provide thousands of astrological sessions for people from many countries. I specialize in helping people particularly in the two areas that have been difficult in my own life: career direction/choices and intimate relationships. I had a rather unusual career journey involving academic teaching and research in unconventional fields, writing and mentoring/coaching intimate relationships.
Since 2012, I have been actively researching and teaching about the New Science of Love along with Paul, my life partner. We call our work “relationship education” and we use coaching and mentoring to support people in their own journeys through couplehood.
Having used relationship astrology in our own relationship, I enjoy supporting others by bringing together relationship education insights and relationship astrology.
That was the birth of ASTROLOVECOACH.
Through ASTROLOVECOACH I can support you in understanding the deeper dynamics of your intimate relationship, providing fast insights that otherwise you may take years to arrive to.
Our intimate relationship can be the source of the deepest joy and/or the deepest pain. Our current understanding of relationship healing and repair from the emergent new science of love and the insights from relationship astrology can help you and your partner create the loving and fullfilling relationship you always dreamed!
If you have questions about what relationship astrology and relationship education can do for you and your relationship, or if you are seeking a new direction in life/career, do not hesitate to call (425-765-1096) or email me at leila@inspiringrelationhsip.org for a free consultation.