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ASTRO-RELATIONSHIP REPORTS- plus individual natal reports for both partners!

ASTRO-RELATIONSHIP REPORTS- plus individual natal reports for both partners!

Learn what are the challenges and opportunities presented by your relationship, and how to navigate these challenges in a way that bring more love and connection. 


This product may be also useful if you are involved in new relationship and you are unsure of the potential for this relationship in the long-term. It can help you decide if the relationship may have the potential for a long-term relationship. If you need extra help making a decision, you can book an individual session with Leila for a more in-depth exploration (see Session Add-on)


This product includes:

1. Individual natal chart and 25+ page report for each of the two partners

2. Relationship chart

3. Compatibility chart


More than 100 pages of written reports delivered in PDF format via email!


If you decide to have a more personalized experience, you can add an individualized reading. You may apply the value of this package towards the Full Reading package (See "Discounted Full Reading Package")

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